
How to define a stepper using defineStepper

defineStepper is the core function for creating a customizable stepper. It generates the necessary components and hooks for building your stepper UI and managing its state.



import { defineStepper } from "@stepperize/react";

Define steps

Call defineStepper with your step configurations:

const { Scoped, useStepper, steps } = defineStepper(
  { id: "step-1", title: "Step 1", description: "First step" },
  { id: "step-2", title: "Step 2", description: "Second step" },
  { id: "step-3", title: "Step 3", description: "Third step" }
  • id (required): Unique identifier for each step
  • Add any custom properties (e.g., title, description) for use in your UI

Return Value

defineStepper returns an object with:

  • Scoped: A Provider component for scoping stepper state
  • useStepper: A custom hook for accessing and controlling the stepper
  • steps: An array of the defined step objects

Next Steps

Learn how to use the returned components and hooks:

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