
Pure utility functions for working with steps

The Utils object provides a set of pure functions for working with steps. These functions help you query and traverse step collections without modifying state or requiring stepper context.


getAllRetrieves all steps in the stepper.NoneAn array of all steps
getRetrieves a step by its ID.id: The ID of the step to retrieveThe step with the specified ID
getIndexRetrieves the index of a step by its ID.id: The ID of the step to retrieve the index forThe index of the step
getByIndexRetrieves a step by its index.index: The index of the step to retrieveThe step at the specified index
getFirstRetrieves the first step in the stepper.NoneThe first step
getLastRetrieves the last step in the stepper.NoneThe last step
getNextRetrieves the next step after the specified ID.id: The ID of the current stepThe next step
getPrevRetrieves the previous step before the specified ID.id: The ID of the current stepThe previous step
getNeighborsRetrieves the neighboring steps (previous and next) of the specified step.id: The ID of the current stepAn object containing the previous and next steps, or null if they do not exist

Usage Example

Here's a quick example of how you might use the Utils object in a Vue component:

import { defineStepper } from '@stepperize/vue';
// Step definitions
const steps = [
  { id: 'step1', name: 'Step 1' },
  { id: 'step2', name: 'Step 2' },
  { id: 'step3', name: 'Step 3' },
  { id: 'step4', name: 'Step 4' },
// Define the stepper with the steps
const { utils } = defineStepper(...steps);
export function StepNavigator() {
  // Fetch all steps
  const allSteps = utils.getAll(); // Result: Array of all steps
  // Fetch the first and last steps
  const firstStep = utils.getFirst(); // Result: { id: 'step1', name: 'Step 1' }
  const lastStep = utils.getLast();   // Result: { id: 'step4', name: 'Step 4' }
  // Get a step by ID
  const stepById = utils.get('step3'); // Result: { id: 'step3', name: 'Step 3' }
  // Get the index of a step by ID
  const indexOfStep2 = utils.getIndex('step2'); // Result: 1
  // Get a step by its index
  const stepAtIndex2 = utils.getByIndex(2); // Result: { id: 'step3', name: 'Step 3' }
  // Get the next and previous steps
  const nextStepAfter1 = utils.getNext('step1'); // Result: { id: 'step2', name: 'Step 2' }
  const prevStepBefore3 = utils.getPrev('step3'); // Result: { id: 'step2', name: 'Step 2' }
  // Get neighbors of a step
  const neighborsOfStep2 = utils.getNeighbors('step2'); 
  // Result: { prev: { id: 'step1', name: 'Step 1' }, next: { id: 'step3', name: 'Step 3' } }
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